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- Authors or publishers may nominate books. Book must have been published in 2024. Note: Books may contain individual translated poems but books in translation are not eligible.
- Books must be submitted by pdf, using the Submittable link below. Please attach a pdf of the book and one of the cover to the Submittable form. [Note: Contest submissions are now fully digital which is a CHANGE from previous years.]
- The entry fee of $50 is payable through Submittable [You do not need a Paypal account to enter]. Entries that are not accompanied by the appropriate payment will NOT be considered.
- Deadline: March 1st 2025
Mezzo Cammin welcomes submissions of poetry that pay particular consideration to form, by all poets who self-identify as women. Poems in structured forms are especially welcome, but poems that use form in interesting and experimental ways are also encouraged.
Please submit at least two, and up to six, unpublished poems. For ease of processing, please include your last name in the file title e.g. Smith_Five_Poems.